Awakened teacher, Powerful healer, Reiki master teacher, Super intuitive, Soundhealer, Mantra singer and Song writer. CD Sacred Healing Songs.
- Aschima has since early childhood had intuitive powers, helping people in all ages during her upbringing, school time with their journeys through life, finding a new way of looking at their path, to change to a new focus.
During young adult years Aschima had physical limitations from several car accidents that made her move into a new direction, searching after remedy ( for over 10 years ), until she find the path of Awakening on a Spiritual level of truth. A journey to India gave her the realization of eternal peace and presence inside, Being One in herself and the sam with consciousness. After the realization she remembered the way to healing, from this inner state of being - home inside. After 1 year ( staying within at 24/7 ) her body was restored and the integration of presence continued for a couple of years while remaining in silence. The awakening of chakra 7/ crown chakra in 2008 gave her full contact with universal consciousness, and the higher senses being in higher aura.
- Since then Aschima has been giving sessions to souls around earth, who search after the same realization and the way to live in freedom and from the awakened heart. Aschima´s is specialized in helping Light workers who are here with extra senses, to open up to their gifts and to stand in their authority, empowered, giving of their skills. She lives from inner joy and peace on earth, from pure stillness inside, loving, writing music, giving satsang, retreats, courses. Meeting new souls.
Her voice as a singer, heals from giving the contact to source of love. If you work as a healer yourself, put on her CD Sacred Healing Songs, to receive a new vibration and clearing the aura between giving the healing sessions. Sacred OM ( song 10 ) on the CD gives the mind relaxation so u fall into sleep when periods of Insomnia occurs. Her work is recommended by many healers and several medium and by internationally known Intuitiv and HayHouse host: Colette Baron Reid

Aschimas Music:
The music just started to come. Hearing music coming, in her head while she was sleeping. She has created over 100 songs, coming from a true state of being and inspiration. She uses the same intuition when she sings as when she shares with her clients.
The Healing CD ”Sacred Healing Songs” is available to buy or download. It is giving Soundhealing and a deeper awareness through the sound created by her voice and the soundhealing instruments.
In Spiration
”Presence is a great healer. And allowing ”not knowing” gives you back the real wisdom. In silence everything that got lost will come back.
Integrating the truth of you, is in the moment.
The true purpose comes alive from allowing no-mind and no-time.
Everything is healed. It is one step into reality of THAT.
LOVE Aschima”