Recommendations by Clients – Counseling and Healing:
" Aschima har inte bara varit ett stöd i min spirituella inre resa, hon har också kunnat förhöja min energi med Reiki-healing när jag har gått igenom tunga energier och utmaningar i livet.
Att välja mina drömmar, ha tillit i mitt liv och våga följa min inspiration har inte alltid varit lätt. Men min tro på kärlek, ljus och kontakt med min passion har förstärkts efter varje session med henne.
I love her present, I love the feminine spirit that I feel a connection to and she’s pure light for humanity. Thank you for guiding me.
Namasté and Mountain light,
Johanna 2019
"For those of you who are curious to make contact with your inner self, and be guided by bright Aschima, take the chance! Aschima has not only been a support on my spiritual inner journey, she has also been able to enhance my energy with Reiki healing when I have gone through heavy energies and challenges in life.
Choosing my dreams, having confidence in my life and daring to follow my inspiration has not always been easy. But my belief in love, light and contact with my passion has been strengthened after each session with her.
I love her present, I love the feminine spirit that I feel a connection to and her pure light for humanity. Thank you for guiding me!
Namasté and Mountain light,
Johanna June 2019
"Min första kontakt med Reiki
Under en period av trötthet och önskan att bygga upp min energi och hitta riktning i tillvaron fick jag en stark impuls att ta emot coachning och Reiki av Aschima.
Mötet med Aschima och hennes totala , kärleksfulla närvaro hjälpte mig att hitta min intention. Att bidra till andras och mitt eget välmående på djupet.
Under reikisessionen upplevde jag en djup avslappning samtidigt som jag blev väldigt medveten om min kropp och energin i mig.
Jag kände glädje, klarhet och välmående.
Aschimas Reiki ceremoni var oerhört vacker med beröring, underbar sång och kraftfull energi. Allt i en rogivande, harmonisk miljö.
Efter coachningen och Reiki behandlingen av Aschima uppstod situationer som på ett tydligt sätt ger mig en riktning och inre ro.
Att jag har bestämt mig för att själv lära mig Reiki är en del av att ha hittat min riktning.
Jag tackar Aschima ur djupet av mitt hjärta.
Med varmaste hälsningar
Sabine" mars 2019
"My first contact with Reiki
During a period of fatigue and the desire to build up my energy and find direction in life, I had a strong impulse to receive coaching and Reiki by Aschima.
The meeting with Aschima and her total, loving presence helped me find my intention. To contribute to others and my own well-being in depth.
During the Reiki session, I experienced a deep relaxation while I became very aware of my body and energy within in me.
I felt joy, clarity and well-being.
Aschima's Reiki ceremony was extremely beautiful with touch, wonderful song and powerful energy. All in a relaxing, harmonious environment.
After the coaching and Reiki treatment by Aschima, situations arose that clearly give me a direction and inner peace.
That I have decided to teach myself Reiki, that is part of finding my direction.
I thank Aschima from the depths of my heart.
With the warmest greetings
Ord från Hjärtat, om det vackra Stilla Retreatet 2017
"Att få vara närvarande i så vackra energier som är inom dig själv och närvaron i mötet med Aschima var en real homecoming som integrerats i mig på djupet. En så fullkomlig upplevelse för att få öppna upp och stanna kvar i den sanna essensen inom sig själv.
Hennes fantastiska förmåga att ge individuell guidning i var och ens livsprocess är en kristallklar kanal som medvetandegör, öppnar upp och transformerar. Aschimas retreat och ljusa, livsrika närvaro skapar en miljö i balans som är så otroligt uppbyggande för själen, en sann plats att verkligen få blomma ut i, att bara vara, öppna och fördjupa. Samhörigheten och trivseln oss alla deltagare emellan var så vacker att få dela och Jag känner mig otroligt ärad över min rika upplevelse från retreatet. Vill rikta mitt varmaste tack till Aschima som förgyller min process i uppvaknandet.
Med ljus och kärlek,
Nathalie Aurora June 2017"
Words from the heart, after the Silent Retreat
"Being present in such beautiful energies that are within yourself and the presence in the meeting with Aschima was a real homecoming integrated into me in depth. Such a perfect experience to open up and stay in the true essence, within myself.
Her amazing ability to give individual guidance in each one's life process, is a crystal clear channel that raise awareness, opens up and transforms. Aschimas retreat and bright, lively presence create an environment in balance that is so incredible for the soul, a true place to truly blossom in, just being open and deepening. The togetherness and well-being of us all between the participants was so beautiful to share and I feel incredibly honored by my rich experience from the retreat. I would like to direct my warmest thanks to Aschima, who gives light to my process during the awakening.
With light and love,
Nathalie Aurora 2017 June"
"Tack för ditt engagemang!
Efter mötet med dig så har mitt liv förändrats, det var den bekräftelsen du gav mig som var en stor pusselbit i mitt liv. Jag har alltid ifrågasatt mitt liv, inte det jag upplever med andar men livet i stort. Du hjälpte mig med det sista så nu har jag lagt av med ifrågasättandet och har fått ett väldigt bra självförtroende. Det har förändrat mig!"
Tack och en stor KRAM till dig!"
Roger 2017
"Jag vill bara tacka för en sittning jag hade i lördags hos dig! Du såg mitt inre och det var så befriande och skönt samt att många pusselbitar föll på plats så jag har slutat undra utan fått ett bättre avspänt självförtroende tack vare oss och speciellt dig! Jag kommer någon gång att följa upp det fina mötet med en ny sittning!
Namasté. "
Roger, April 2017
"Aschima is easy to connect with. She is awake with a warm energy that embraces you. There is much wisdom to take in, and a consultation can give you the tools you need right now. You will leave your meeting with a positive and vivid sense in the body."
"Aschima är lätt att få kontakt med. Hon är vaken med en varm energi som omfamnar dig. Det finns mycket klokhet att ta del av och en konsultation ger dig de verktyg som du behöver just nu. Du kommer att lämna ert möte med en positiv och levande känsla i kroppen."
Johanna Nygård 2017 ( "Systrar i Bergen" )
"Aschimas vägledning lyfter mig till mitt naturliga högsta jag och klargör och rensar vad som ligger i vägen. En boost på vägen.
Jan lundberg/ ledarskapskonsult/författare/psykosyntes terapeut" Dec 2016
"Aschimas guidance lift me to my natural highest self, and clarifies and clears what is in the way. A boost on the road!
Jan Lundberg / Leadership consultant / Author / Psychosynthesis therapist"
Jan Lundberg Dec 2016
"Receiving guidance and/or Reiki from Aschima is like coming home to yourself, to the things you’ve always known and to the unknown that lies beyond all your previous experiences. Everything is allowed and the conversation is bold and honest. Clarity, consolation and expansion is guaranteed. By the end of the session I always start to laugh at something (even if I have started off the session crying) and feel blessed each time to experience that kind of wonderful and rare laugh that starts in the pit of your stomach and bubbles up through out your body. I l leave every session with a profound knowing that all is well and that there is a great future with infinite possibilities waiting for me.
Lovisa" 2016
"I Want to thank you sincerely for the amazing session! I Felt so happy and free afterward, that I got "off the ground". A deeper trust in, that what I want is really possible and meant to happen this lifetime. It has been so much easier for me to feel where I am headed and at the same time be happy with where I am now.
I Feel in better balance in total and I have a deeper trustin myself. The session with you also strengthened my spiritual understanding. I feel deeply loved.
I am extremely grateful that I met you Aschima
In gratitude" Jane7: 2014
"Your Readings are "Spot on"!"
Thank you for the guidance!
Jennie L 2015
"Thank you for showing me unlimited love and encouragement!” Veronika 2014
”I Feel gratitude, joy and love to have met Aschima. She has helped me to come closer to my true Self and to realize that I am valuable. She has helped me on many different levels, and I will certainly meet with her again! Life has become much easier and I have a smile in the stomach” Lots of love /Tarah 2014
”Thank you Aschima for all the messages that you and your guides gave me. You saw into my heart and even mediated that which was tough for me with respect and love. I felt happy and warm and I can now continue on my path knowing that the truth sets me free! Love you!"
Sandra 2013
” I found deep trust awakening in my heart from your reading. I will truly water the seed of my dream and you gave me courage to release all old sorrow and thoughs that doesnt give inspiration in my life. Huge thanks for you very clear reading. Big hug,
Kristina” 2013
”Aschima what a woman! I am so grateful to my soul that led me to her, just the right time in my life. Such warm compassion and full of inspiration. I have just finished my distance education Reiki level 1 and started level 2 with Aschima. Her support and aid is unbeatable. I can highly recommend Aschima. Thank you for all the love and inspiration you share with me! Regards, Gabriella” 2014
”Aschima have the ability to, with a clear clarity capture your essence and core of the problem. Aschima helped me SEE the blocks that stood in the way of my true self, and guided me through these with BIG sharpness and love of my process. I felt completely safe the session through, fully present in my body. Aschima has both power and humility at the same time as she coaches you forward on your path in life and I have taken considerable steps after our session .. considerably freer in body and mind! Thanks Aschima, I appreciate your straightness and the tools you use to penetrate through inertia, fears and old patterns! ”
Love / Karin Manna ” 2013
”Aschima has given me many great tools, some that I use daily. When I have asked for help and answers, I´ve received them clear. With her wonderful way, Aschima conveyed in a humble frank manner. Her channel feels very clean and clear and I really recommend her ”
Jenny. 2013
”What I love about Aschima is that she really cares about her clients. She extended her loving compassion to me before, during and after our sessions. To have this kind of genuine empathy is what sets a healer apart, in my opinion. From the beautiful heart centered space, she directs pure loving healing energies which nurtures and lifts my soul to new heights! I am not sure how I found her, but i’m so glad that I did.
Lots of love and blessings
Naazama – Z ” 2013
”Thank you for giving me the realization and the key on how to come home and release everything that doesn´t truly exists! What a blessing it is to have you in my life. No more doubting myself. Thank you from the depth of my heart”.
Johanna. 2014
”I see myself as a dedicated being wishing with the inner most being to find his way back home, home to the heart seeing and being the moment as all it is.
Asherah/Aschima has been and still is an asset of continuing growth and in my experience of her way of implimenting her being and guidance is to me of high value. During sessions I have recieved clear valuable instructions in the degree to be picked up by my intuition when the time got right, to always carry the charged information necessary for the message to unravel.
I have faith for the level of being Asherah/Aschima is opperating from. I also like to point out by my experience that the sessions I´ve recieved feels very attentive with a great touch of respectfulness and understanding for the being, recieving the impression of it being a passion for what Asherah is offering.
Thank you Asherah, I feel very much loving and faithful for the guidance you shine upon me./Charbel” 2013
"Let me see if I can get them two to merge into the nectar I experienced.... My experience was light, love, abundance, being moved, DEEP DEEP DEEP. My heart was opened deeper, a beautiful vulnerability I came in contact with. I felt Aschima clear how she began to give her healing to me. It was so beautiful. I feel Aschima is a healer that cuts through illusions veils. If you want a clear mirror with no bullshit I so recommend this one most loving woman! And I mean really huge loving.

"Jag tar sessioner nästan varje vecka, vilket hjälper mig att hålla högre energier och inte gå in i svackor lika mycket, än om jag inte hade tagit sessioner så ofta. Det gör att jag transformerar energier mycket snabbare i livet och därför kan manifestera mer och må bättre. Det känns som att jag därför kan leva mer fullt ut. Tack att du finns! " Rima Ashanti 2019
"I take sessions almost every week, which helps me to hold higher energies and not go into weaknesses as much as if I hadn't taken sessions so often. It makes me transform energies much faster in life and therefore I can manifest more and feel better. It feels like I can therefore live more fully. Thanks for being there Aschima!" Rima Ashanti 2019
"Vill du också gå kurs för att bli Reiki healer och Reiki Master? Jag har haft turen att hitta Stockholms absolut bästa lärare och Master i Reiki kan starkt rekommendera henne - Aschima S"
Josefine Jordansson Gaude
Spontant Tack mail av Pia ( nu utexaminerad Reiki master via Aschima ):
"Tack Aschima för du hjälpt mig att hitta min inre kärlek,
harmoni, lugn och för din ärlighet på vägen.
Din musik och sång som är helande ända in i själen.
Att få kontakt med mitt innersta allt, är det vackrast
en själ kan finna.
-Jag har mött min tvillingsjäl via dig.
-Fått igång mitt företag via dig.
-Du har fått mig att tro på mig.
-Du har hjälpt mig att släppa upp blockeringar inom mig till den fria kvinna jag är, allt är förlåtet och allt är kärlek.
-Du är fantastisk och det har varit så värt alla sessioner
med dig.
-Dina healing förmågor och att se på livet
är magiskt vackert.
-Tack för att du är min Reiki master lärare
Kärlek och ljus
Pia Aniara" 2018
"Thank you Aschima for helping me find my inner love,
harmony, calm and for your honesty along the way.
Your music and singing voice, are healing into the soul.
- To get in touch with my innermost everything is the most beautiful thing
a soul can find.
"I've met my Twin Flame through you.
-Started up my business through you.
-You made me believe in me.
-You have helped me to release blockages within me to the free woman I am, everything is forgiven and everything is love.
-You are amazing and it has been so worth all sessions
with you.
-Your healing abilities and looking at life
is magically beautiful.
-Thanks for being my Reiki Master Teacher
Love and light
Pia Aniara "2018
Linneás ord om Aschimas vägledning.
"Aschima är en underbar själ som sprider värme, ljus och glädje. Har träffat Aschima under flera sessioner och redan efter första gången kunde jag som inte har så lätt till skratt bara tänka på henne så började jag att le. Tack Aschima för att du hjälpt mig att hitta den jag verkligen är och att du fått mig att börja skratta igen. Finns ingen som du.
Om Reiki:
Det finns ingen som kan introducera Reikin på ett så vackert, användbart och levande sätt som Aschima. Nu håller jag på att bli Reikimaster och jag kan inte tänka mig en bättre lärare. Alla människor borde få träffa Aschima då hon är en gåva i livet."
Linneás words of recomendation of Aschima's guidance.
"Aschima is a wonderful soul that spreads warmth, light and joy. Having met Aschima for several sessions, and already after the first time, I could not laugh easily - just thinking about her, and I started laughing. Thank you Aschima for helping me find the one I really am and you made me start laughing again. There is no one like you.
About Reiki:
There is no one who can introduce Reikin in such a beautiful, useful and vibrant way as Aschima. Now I'm becoming Reikimaster and I can not imagine a better teacher. Everyone should meet Aschima when she is a gift in life."
Linnéa 2018 June
"Dear Aschima,
I have been through lots of stress and anxiety in the past. I have lost faith in myself and lost credibility in people and my love towards myself and people around have been faded. It was a difficult period in my lifetime where hope has been lost and my light slowly was taken away from me. Through your guidance and strength you have brought my love back again and helped me gaining strength and power ! I have never felted so enlighten and joyful ! Now you have made me believe in my own power and strength. I feel love in my heart ! Thankful for who I am and what is around me !
I have no words to describe how amazing and powerful you are !
You have the biggest heart and strongest love which makes people shine and love themselves for who they are !
I'm thankful to you from all my heart !
Thank you so much for you guidance and help !"
Catalin, USA june 2018
Healing - en kärleksfull energi som kan göra underverk.
Både fysiskt och mentalt .
Jag tror inte längre på manipulation , tuffa massager som gör ont för att få bort smärta ur kroppen .
Jag tror på en självläkande kropp .
Genom healing kan vi hjälpa kroppen att healas .
Tack Aschima ,
Jag mår bra av att gå till dig .
Ljusa hälsningar
Susanne, July 2018
"Healing - a loving energy that can do wonders.
Both physically and mentally.
I no longer believe in manipulation, tough massages that hurt to get rid of pain from the body.
I believe in a self-healing body.
Through healing we can help the body to heal.
Thank you Aschima,
I feel good, going to you."
Light Regards"
Susanne July 2018
Session in combination Conversation, Reiki and intuitive Singing:
"I mötet med Aschima kommer jag till den plats inom mig där allt är stilla och ljust, enkelt, helt och avslappnat. Det är från den här platsen som jag vill leva. Aschima har inga åsikter om mig. Det finns inget dömande – bara bekräftelse och glädje. Tack Aschima för att du leder mig hit, tack för att du möter mig här."
Tack <3 Massor av kärlek till dig <3 Åse ( August 2017 )
"In the meeting with Aschima I come to the place within me where everything is still and bright, simple, completely and relaxed. It's from this place I want to live. Aschima has no opinions about me. There is no judging - just confirmation and joy. Thank you Aschima for leading me here, thanks for meeting me here.
Thank you <3 Lots of love for you <3 August 2017
"Thank you Aschima for seeing me as I truly am. Thank you for receiving me with an open heart at every session. In true guidance - your presence, warm healing, singing voice and laughter always gives me love energy. To come to you is fun! Thank you for channeling truth directed to me; with you I can speak about whatever is on my heart. I feel grateful to have you on my path and I always recommend you to others. Thank you for seeing the light of what I am so I can see it too.
Namasté, beautiful Aschima!
I am grateful, grateful, grateful to you.
Elsa" 2017 Nov
"Vill du också utbilda dig till Reiki Master? Jag har haft lyckan att hitta Stockholms absolut bästa lärare och Master inom Reiki kan varmt rekommendera henne Aschima Segercrantz"
Josephine Oktober 2017
"Do you also want to train to become a Reiki Healer and Reiki Master? I've been lucky enough to find Stockholm's absolute best teacher and Master of Reiki. I can highly recommend her Aschima S"
Josephine Oktober 2017
" Aschima är en sån ljus och sann spegel för din själ, sessionerna bara lyfter dig och får dig att se på saker och ting bakom mindet, då Aschima kan spegla det och ta fram det vackra skönheten och ljuset i saker och ting, att vara positiv istället för negativ
Sen jag tog min första session hos Aschima har jag gått till henne regelbundet då hon kan spegla mitt sanna jag och på så sätt komma i kontakt med mitt sanna jag, med den kärleksfulla varelsen jag är. Att få en sann spegel ger massor med fart på ens livsväg. Via Aschima har mitt hjärta öppnats, min medialitet ökat och mina healing förmågor. Via Aschima har jag fått bort det som begränsar mig och på så sätt fått ökat överflöd i mitt liv och mer tro till min intution som lett att jag följer min fria vilja.
Aschima har hjälpt mig frammåt med mina passioner som konst, Healing, Medialia läsningar och hjälpt mig att hitta rätt i livet, få tillit i kärlek, universum och mig själv. Jag har healats otroligt mycket samt kommit djupare och mer meditativt/stressfri via Aschima. Jag har även vaknat och kännt höga vibrationer av ljus, djup glädje, kreativitet, avslappning och kärlek. Jag mår så bra och idag lever i fri vilja och mer överflöd då Aschima har lyft mitt liv.
Aschima kan spegla min själ, mitt ljus så att jag kan hålla i kompassen.
Hon har hjälpt mig i alla livsfrågor och alltid varit i stor hjälp och hon kan känna av mina behov.
Tack från djupet av min själ och hjärta, Rima" Augusti 2017
Words after Retreat 2016:
"Jag Var på Detta underbara fina Retreat!
Tacksam !
Vilka vackra människor-själar som var med. Ni gav mig så mycket till mig på min inre resa i Livet! Kärlek
- Aschima är så närvarande i kärlek, ljus och healing man kan vara!
Många svar kom till mig!
Aschimas healing och sång och Röst är så fantastiskt och fick kroppen att minas igen!! Tack för Allt i Kärlek och Ljus, Namaste !!
Min inre resa gav mig healing, sång, dans,tårar, skratt, ljus, kärlek, värme, mina chakran hittade hem och jag vågade stå kvar i mitt inre när allt vändes ut och in!!
Jag mötte mitt inre med kärlek, värme och enorm kraft!!
Jag fick bort motstånd, energier jag inte behöver bära på längre!!
I am who I am, in inner peace
and Love!!
Andas in allt de Goda, Andas in Kärlek
Andas in Ljus !!
Tacksamheten Är Så Stor Till Allt !!
- Våga möta Dig och se in i Dig och Du hittar Ljuset och kärleken ditt inre barn, själ och hjärta! ❤️
I was at this wonderful, beautiful Retreat!
What beautiful people - souls that were there. You gave me so much to my inner journey in life! Love
- Aschima is so present in love, light and healing it can be!
Many answers came to me!
Aschimas healing and singing and voice is so amazing and got the body to remember again !! Thanks for Everything in Love and Light, Namaste !!
My inner journey gave me healing, singing, dancing, tears, laughter, light, love, warmth, my chakras found home and I dared to stand in my inner light, when everything was turned inside out !!
I met my inner self, with love, warmth and tremendous power !!
I got away resistance, energies, that I do not need to carry on anymore !!
I am who I am, in inner peace
and Love !!
Breathe in all the Good, Breathe in Love
Breathe in Light !!
my Gratitude is So big For All !!
- Dare to meet you and see into you and you will find light and love, your inner child, the heart and soul! ❤️
Namaste 2016, Aniaricha
"Aschima, tack för att du finns och har hjälpt mig i alla livets frågor, och väglett mig igenom dem. Väglett mig till en ljus väg och hantera så mycket. Både jobb, flytt, kärlek, vänner, mig själv mm. Aschima är så gullig, kärleksfull, glädjefull/rolig, ärlig och genuin. Tack för all stöd och att du har väglett mig mot en ljusare väg i livet med ökad överflöd!
Älskar dig, Rima" 2016
"Aschima, thanks for being there and has helping me in all of life's questions, and guided me through them. Guided me to a bright road and handle so much. Both jobs, moving, love, friends, myself m.m. Aschima is so cute, loving, joyful / funny, honest and genuine. Thanks for all your support and that you have guided me towards a brighter path in life with increased abundance!
Love you, Rima" 2016
"Oh, a thousand thanks Aschima and for the channel you passed. We certainly got all the answers we sought after and are so grateful for your help. <3
Bright greetings,
Nathalie m. Family" 2016
Aschimas Chakra Healing:
Chakra balanseringen är verkligen magisk,
Det renar och healar så mycket och mina chakran kommer i mer balans. Det känns som att jag blir healad inuti mig själv (chakrana). Känner mig mer jordad, ökat kreativ flöde, ökad medialitet och en kärleksfull, mjuk, lugn och kreativ energi i mig efter denna djupa healingen. Tack, jag älskar den/ Rima 2016
"The Chakra balancing is really magical,
It purifies and heals so much and my chakras comes in more balance. It feels like I get healad inside myself (chakras). I feel more grounded, increased creative flow, increased medial channel, and a loving, gentle, calm and creative energy in me after this deep healing. Thanks, I love it. Rima" 2016
"I feel that Aschima is a healer that cuts through the veils of illusions. If you want a clear mirror with no bullshit, I truly recommend this one most loving woman! And I mean really – huge loving.
…. Take a look into thoses eyes …. and swim in love healing energy …. PEACE JOY, Line, 2011”
"Aschimas readings are enlightening and in her healing presence you feel a strong sense of security that everything is fine, the problem disappears. Going to a session is like coming home, get reflected and feel the loving truth.
Her Reiki is the softest,
most loving and warmest healing I received.
Thanks Aschima, for everything and thank you for letting me find you.
Gratitude, abundance and love, Rima 2016"
"Thank you Aschima for the Reiki healing, -For your peace, harmony, joy, laughter and love that you have in you, and that rubs off on me.
Aschima has performed Reiki healing through her peaceful way and given me the tools to find my strength to be able to change my energies into more positive - joy - laughter in my life!
I have received less internal stress, more focus, more joy, more positive energy, more presence in what I do, and want to do with my life, etc.
Thank you for helping me how I get my inner peace to more focus in my energy and presence. It is absolutely wonderful and amazing to find new ways of life energy. A new world has opened up both inside and outside of me. As I yearned, Been on the road, but not quite found there.
My love, joy, power and strength that remains in me, at last will and can bloom.
The only thing I / we need on this earth is love, joy and gratitude to all !!
For anyone needing help - Meet this wonderful female-soul, You too <3
Pia 2015 ( Recomendation for Rekihealing, ReikiCourse and Awake guidance )
"It is so wonderful to be in the soft, sensitive presence that Aschima give during the sessions. And afterwards I always feel closer to stillness, joy ... closer to myself. Thank you <3/ Susanne 2015
"Thank you for the session you gave me with focus on my low energy level. My energy shifted from always being tired to more energy than ever."
Reeza 2015
”I am thankful for the experience you have given me by seeing me fully for all that I am! To be acknowledged just the way you are is an empowering encouragement to accept myself. I have never felt so strong the clearness of my own being and the strength my own light brings in my veins. I wish to keep that honest presence and honor myself with love and acceptance at all times! You are a guide Aschima, a teacher and a playful soulmate who helps bring the truth sparkling above the surface. I´m not hiding anymore. I demand my space respected and my sacred being honored. And there is no need in me to suppress others, on the contrary, I feel encouraged to help others trust their own light. I finally walk along the road with my head up high and the sunlight reflecting in my shiny eyes. I wish to see, love and LIVE! I am thankful for having found guidance in you, truthful Aschima!
Veronika, Goddess on Retreat 2014"
"I felt so much better after today’s session. Thank you very much. I am impressed by how dedicated you are! I really look forward to our next session. I have not felt so at peace before. I have read so many books and been to all these different therapist…I have been told that I don’t ”really wanna heal” that I need to get over it” ”stop dwelling” So thank you for being the beautiful person that you are! and thank you for sharing some of you positive energy with me. I am happy to have you be a part of my healing journey
much love and hugs!!
Steph” 2013
”Yesterday and the day before I was at Aschima Satsang. I had the best ever session time in my life. She is a lightworker with so many tools and she has skills. Things that have bothered me for a long time she helped me solve. I`m beginning to understand who I really Am, I am that I am, I am who I am, There`s No where to run to, No where to hide, Always Remember Home Inside. Aschima! Wow ! It´s all I can say and Thank you!!! I want to recommend people that are needing help with their inner work//spirit//soul-work to book time with Aschima, Do it!!! She can help!!! I Know //
Merry Christmas from Sonya” ******* 2012”

For Healing
"A Reiki attunment of Aschima was a beautiful experience where I experienced healing at all levels, an increased protection and it opened so much flow in me. It was like I got deeper into myself. Where there is light, love, Silence and Harmony. I heartily and highly recommend it.
Gratitude & Love, Rima" 2016
”Imagine laying on a rock at the beach with waves that gently crash over you washing out all that stress from your body and the warm sun nourishing your being, that’s the blissful immobility I feel when I receive Asherahs healing. …. So when I found out she was giving attunements. I knew she was the right teacher for me. She ironed out all the kinks I had, imparted her wisdom and after our class. I am happy to say that I can now direct the same sunny nurturing energy that leaves me in a state of bliss! Thank you Asherah, It has truly been a blessing and I am very grateful for your loving service.” <3
All my love,
Zeinar, 2013
Recommendation Distans Healing session with Aschima/
I was warm and it was so quiet, then I fell asleep! Beautiful energies.! I feel happy and harmonious! Now after, it feels clean and open in the entire me, thousand thanks!"
Susanna 2015
”I have received healing of Aschima a number of times when I had grief and stress in my life. I felt that Aschima have strong empathic abilities and intuition and I got very good and loving healing energies that made me feel so much better and I felt balanced and happy again. ”
Jessica Berntsson 2011
- A Clients respons after 2 Reiki Sessions with Aschima ( for a physical disorder, with Pain and no Mobility ):
”After your treatment of me with Reiki and Healing, my Achilles tendon became restored ( after 6 months pain )and I walk better than in 10 years. My body functions as usual, which is wonderfully comfortable."
Marianne 2013
Recommendations Music, Private Vocal sessions and Groupsinging:

din sång, din röst når mig på djupet.
Jag känner glädje och kärlek.
Tack!" Sabine, Okt 2016
"Thank you, dear, wonderful Aschima for yesterday Satsang. Your songs goes straight to the heart, the soul and touches with warmth and love,
Purifies and gives energy and joy
NAMASTE Thank you Thank you Thank you" / Pia 2016
”Aschima´s music Awakens and Touches. I come in contact with the primordial power when I listen to her music that carries an Eastern tone with scents of India. I love those dimensions that emerge through the music!”
Cosmic Johanna, 2014
”Magical healing music in sounding tones that touches the souls meeting with the self! The voice is a sacred healing for body and soul. I use the music often for spiritual training!
Namasté Sann ” 2014
”I’ve been singing along with Asherah a few times and it’s a nice feeling; like swimming in a sea of music and let the song to bear where it wants. It’s playful, open and sincere, and creates deeper presence, and healing”
/ Susanne Lind: Musician, 2014
- Vocal Healing Session:
”I feel safer since I met you Aschima, I have removed the stuff that get stuck in the body, it feels lighter. I feel that Aschima embraced me a great feeling!”
Camilla/Singer 2013
"Thousand thanks for the "voiceworkout" with you, it feels absolutely fantastic. I have a completely different voice, as well as vibration, when I sing, quite magical!"
Charlotta 2015