Tantric Reiki with Aschima

Tantric Reiki Symbol
Attunement with Aschima - Includes Awake Guidance on Skype and Initiation Reiki Ritual/ Blessing with The Reiki Symbol and Extra healing for your unique Soul
Investement: 2500 sek
Book to femininebuddha@gmail.com
The Tantric Reiki work material is ready to be ordered: 2000 sek with Practics : Open and give yourself Tantric Reiki - Or Open Tantric energies with a Partner : Give yourself or others Tantric Healing in person or on Distance. Also About tantra origin and channeling by Ashima:
Are you a Healer - Giving sessions - Do you want to give Tantric Reiki - Warmly welcome to take the attunement of the Reiki Tantra Symbol and buy the Tantric Reiki work material and work with the material on your clients ( no course needed ) - IT IS AMAZING
Order to femininebuddha@gmail.com - It is in PDF format 14 pages: with Sacred Information on Tantric Healing and Tantra by Aschima : You will be able to give tantric reiki to yourself and clients when you follow the material at once!
You need to have REIKI groundcource to activate and give Tantric Reiki
Tantric LOVE

Sacred Chakra 2 - Your Sensual Garden inside where the meeting with your body becomes sensual, gentle and flowing af sacred water -
Open your garden - Heart and Third eye deeper with tantric Reiki