Testimonial of the new Reiki Symbol - Experience after an attunement - Aschima gives you the energy of Reiki so u receive an upliftment!
"I feelt a better contact with my soul and Goddess and sexual/life energy after the attunemnt. I have been laughing more and even let myself laugh as much as I feelt like, to just be me. I felt more playful and felt a better contact with my soul and inner child, in love with myself, the same energy I was in contact with as a child. I felt like a flower and More creative energy also. Its a beautiful attunement, even if all of them were beautiful this one is so so beautiful. This one is very tantric!"RimaAshanti 2019
New REIKI by Aschima - Vibrations that touch the High soul and Deep in Earth - Holistic Healing
Feminine Grace
SELF LOVE - Nourishment of your Goddess and Soul- Initiated with Golden Shambala and Goddess Love - Aura protection and heart protection for the Goddess in you - Use it to give Self LOVE - Healing that vibrates in your body and gives you the sensitivity back in you. And to open A flow in a situation or in your body or to receive in a certain part of your life.
The initiation is a Sacred Ritual with the Symbols energy and extra healing from Aschima ( the attunement is increasing your aura to open a new Field around you and within you ). The symbol can be used with All other Reiki symbols in your Healing practice or on yourself. You will feel the Wicca protection and the ancient vibrations of the Goddess
- Include 30 min Skype or Write your intention and share a little bit about your goddess.
Investment with Skype: 2500 sek
Without Skype: 2000 sek
You will receive how you draw the symbol and a prayer to self healing and love when you work with it!
Warmly Welcome to Book to FeminineBuddha@gmail.com
Healing Father
The symbols energy will increase your Native American connection and the past incarnation as an Indian with the Gifts that you had. It will also give you healing of the heart so you feel more selsecure ( as the Indians often was tought to stand alone ) and deeper earth connection. You will receive a channeling with Messages about you in these sacred incarnation. You can ask a question about a native amarican lifetime with the Attunement and you can have an intention to come cloeser to an animal or nature.
Book the initiation to Femininebuddha@gmail.com
Cost with Skype 30 min 2500 sek
Without Skype 2000 sek

Reiki symbols by Aschima are created to help you release any traumas or domination or lack of support, by the Father in your upbringing that affect your grown up life.
: Any healing session and reiki symbol is a helper on your way to become full in yourself and the energy of the symbols and attunement will help you, to release and heal, to see the true mirror of yourself and what has been created by a relationship with a fatherfigure in your life.
Star souls, often grow up in an environment with parents that has wounds and cannot give what they are suppose to give you on the way in your life to stand and support yourself and feel safe. What the father is suppose to give you is the energy key of this Reiki symbol:
- Taking decisions
- Choosing direction
- Feeling secure with yourself
- Feeling Confident and valued
- Standing in authority.
- Open Communication with ease and flow
- Heartwarmth of a fathers energy to move on Earth
- Taking your space .... and more ( your intention )
Reiki symbol attunement and healing session with Aschima 2500 sek( includes 30 min on skype with The intention and conversation about your Soul and The Father energy , Attunement Rtual and Healing from Aschima
3000 sek 60 min on skype
Book to Femininebuddha@gmail.com
Reiki Symbol - OnenessFlower
"I felt like a Flower and received More Creative energy. It`s a beautiful attunement, all of the attunements were beautiful - this one is so, so beautiful." Rima, Nov 2019
Reiki - Oneness Flower - symbol for True Creation - To receive contact with the uniqueness of your Soul in Universal oneness. To stay in namasté and knowing your eternal presence and to create the true essence of your soul flower!
If you have Cho Ku Rei you can activate the symbol after the attunement. You can take the attunemnent only to receive the blessing of the symbols energy in your chakras and in the aura.
The Attunement cost 2500 sek
All Rights: Aschima.com
Warmly welcome to book attunements to
WORK MATERIAL to use the Oneness Flower Reiki Symbol:
Staying in your Full Essence - No matter if someone outside of you is stressed or dominating you to be someone else - The powerful Oneness Flower Reiki symbol works as a DIAMOND / Attunement and - Workmaterial - Includes -
Attunement with The New Beautiful Reiki Symbol - For Truth of You being in One and Namasté - Create from your uniqueness, Intention and Help from Ganesha.
WORKMATERIAL pdf 9 pages/
- Ganesha - Prayer in the workmaterial and When to call for him - To remove obstacles together when working with the new symbol
-How to work with The Oneness Flower in Creation - Stand in your Essence Being Full - Goddess - Sexual power - -Work with Clients - On Reiki Bench and on Distance
-Learn about Third Eye opening and opening intuitive visions.
Warmly welcome to order through mail to: femininebuddha@gmail.com
Cost: workmaterial 2700 sek
Bright Star - Enlighetend Reiki symbol
A Reiki Symbol for Light carriers - going through enlightenment and ascension - To hold the aura and balance chakras -
- Every Reiki attunement with Aschima is given with extra healing and clearing of chakras and her full attention, so you receive more energies of truth with you, to be Happy and feel empowered to go your light path.
The new symbol carries the highest vibration for enhancing wellbeing is received by Aschima, and it is called:
Enlightened Power: The symbol was given to Aschima to help all lightworkers, with dedication to live from truth, transcending and living with open hearts, creating their unique vibration forward, also fo those that are in connection with their twin soul.
LÄS Pias upplevelse av Enlightened Power - Pia går precis ut "Master Healer" utbildning via Aschima, integrerat med Kurs i den nya Reiki Symbolen.
" Jag får tårar så fort jag ska beskriva den. Den är så himla vacker. Tack för att jag får ta dela av den. Så magisk.!
Jag Älskar den. Den är kraftfull och börjar verka innan sessionen, känner av i händerna i kroppen. Den har hjälpt mig att öppna upp mer visuellt. Den har gett bättre sömn. Den skyddar och håller fokus. Den finns med som en naturlig del i mitt liv. Jag kan visualisera den ifall jag behöver mer energi, lugn. Jag kan hjälpa mina chakran när jag känner av att jag står i obalans. Använder den från morgon till kväll."
Pia, Augusti 2018
Pias Experience of Enlightened Power -
"I get tears in my eyes as soon as I describe it. It's so heavenly beautiful. Thank you for sharing it. So magical!
I love it. It is powerful and begins to work before I give a session, sensing its energy in the hands and the body. It has helped me open up more visually. It has given me better sleep. It protects and maintains my focus. It is included as a natural part of my life. I can visualize it if I need more energy and calmness. I can help my chakras when I feel one is in imbalance. I uses it from morning to evening" Pia, Augusti 2018
BOKA: - Du kan ta enbart Initiering av Symbolen för att få dess energi. Eller få den både initierad tillsammans med kursmaterial utarbetat av Aschima för att använda den i ditt arbete, då du ger healing eller i ditt vardagliga liv. ( för kurs krävs att du tagit grundkurs i reiki )
Kostnad enbart Attunment: 1700 sek ( skype session med initiering och extra healing ) med Kursmaterial kostnad 4600 sek
BOOK ( English ): You can choose - only to initiate the Symbol, to receive its energy.
Or get it initiated with course material, prepared by aschima to use it in your work, as you give healing or in your everyday life.
Reiki Symbol OHM

Reiki symbol - OHM Aschima har med sig, som bär de högsta energierna för inre närvaro och meditativ tystnad - Buddha närvarande - Bara VARA. Reiki symbolen är unik och kan tas emot som en attunement och/eller med kursmaterial.
INFO: Att ta emot attunement enbart - Då bär du dess energi och som Master healer eller du som tagit Grundkurs och bär Cho Ku Rei kan förstärka energin när du behöver efter din initiering.
Vill du ta initiering och lära dig att integrera symbolen i ditt healing arbete eller kursverksamhet, finns kursmaterial utarbetat och kanaliserat av Aschima, hur du använder symbolen och olika sätt du kan använda den i ditt eget healing arbete eller med kurser i Yoga, Närvaro, Meditation eller med Klienter.
Är du intresserad!? Kostnaden för enbart initieringen, med din intention och vaken vägledning och extra healing från Aschima - 1700 kr - Går lika bra på Distans som hemma hos Aschima. ( Fler tider finns på Distans )
Kurs material och Initiering och personlig feed back. Har du mästar Reiki certifikat kan du få nytt certifikat med denna symbol eller certifikat med enbart denna symbol ( för att få gå kursen krävs grundkursen så du kan öppna och stänga reiki. )
Kostnad Kurs, ingår WORD DOKUMENT/Initiering och du får ställa frågor och får hjälp för att ge av den energin. Certifikat ( om du vill ha det ) - 4600

Read Johanna´s gratitude for the ONENESS FLOWER REiki symbol- Attunemenet:
"Ah.... Thousand thanks!! Aschima, it feels like I'm crying inside because I feel such an enormous freedom. I Don't know how I can say or write thank you for yesterday.
Warmth, light and love" ️
Johanna Nygård 2019
"I received the most beautiful Reiki attunement, Oneness flower by Aschima! I made one of the greatest discoveries through this attunement. I always use to long for what I had when I was a child, which was my energies. Life was very magic, awake, vivid colourful, I was aware/intutive, I used to paint & be in nature, full of life, I was in love with myself and I attracted so much beauty around me. Since I received this attunemnt I found out that she was within me all the time, not in the past of my childhood but within me! I discovered my true self again! My inner child and my pure soul and WHO I AM. and that I am not that dull energy, im the alive energy. Im very happy for this thank you <3 This is my greatest discovery, myself!! And I laugh so much more! I recommend this beautiful attunement"
Ashanti Rima 2019
Bright Star symbol attunement:
"Thank you, Aschima for the beautiful Enlightened Power Symbol. I’ve felt more space since the Reiki Attunement; a deeper allowance to let everything be as it is. It’s a Loving space where I can be as I am. It has helped me realize I’m perfect Now, that nothing in me needs to change. Since the Attunement I’ve felt that there has been a speeding up into higher energies, so I can see that I am that Loving Space in which everything appears. I feel blessed to be in Love.
Love and Light,
Elsa. Jan. 2019
"I have received attunement by Aschima ( through Skype ) with the Beautiful Reiki Symbol - Ohm. After the initiation I have experienced more stillness inside and a feeling of meditation without "meditating", the mind becoming totally silent, I have longed for that! And I am being calm when other people feel stress. My intention is to also learn to work with this symbol on events and while sharing my Yoga and Reiki healing. "
LOVE from Julia, Sept "2018
Tantric Reiki Symbol

Mother REIKI symbol

Indian Healing Feather