Aschimas Shielding Document
When you go through awakening and integration of your Soul light and peace inside - Your aura is sensitive and can easily get overloaded. Learning simple techniques how to shield your aura and how to cleanse your aura after taking in too much stress or negativity/ Word document by Aschima -
Practical instruction for the Morning and Evening.

Warmly welcome to receive practical instructions and what to call for to shield your aura and to energize you, when you have taken in stress or negativity. The document is ordered through mail to
4 pages: cost: 1800 sek
"Aschima, jag måste tacka din vackra själ för detta dokument(Aschimas Shielding) . Det är extremt kraftfull men enkla instruktioner och jag har kännt mig starkt beskyddad från negativa energier och kunnat hålla min positiva energi bättre. Jag har också kunnat sova bättre, djupare och jag vaknar med mer energi än innan. Jag kunde sova ibland i flera timmar men ändå inte vara utvilad, men efter dessa enkla men kraftfulla instruktioner så sover jag bra och håller min energi under dagen så att jag lättare kan växa i min energi och mitt ljusarbete, utan att dräneras, Detta är jag otroligt tacksam för. Den beskyddar både vaket och när jag sover! Tack!" Rima 2019
"Aschima, I have to thank your beautiful soul for this document (Aschima's Shielding). It is extremely powerful with simple instructions and I have felt strongly protected from negative energies and been able to keep my positive energy better. I've also been able to sleep better, deeper and I wake up with more energy than before. I could sleep sometimes for several hours but still not be rested, but following these simple but powerful instructions I sleep well and keep my energy during the day so that I can more easily grow in my energy and my light work, without being drained. This I am incredibly grateful for. It protects both when you´re awake and when during sleep! Thanks!" Rima