Holistic Healing - Awakened Guidance - Reiki Healing - Courses - Feminine YOGA - Meditative Singing and Sound - Music CD - Meditation - Itunes/ Spotify " Aschima"
”For a life of Full Presence”
Awakened Guidance with Aschima
SESSIONS in Swedish and English
BOOK to FeminineBuddha@gmail.com
60 min 1100 sek
Aschima is: An Empath
Giving Personal Support, with Focus on the true state of being and integration of your uniqueness.
Giving Sensitive, aware healing, in contact with your higher Self.
”Aschima serve as a link to your soul and consciousness. She feels where you are and where you have the ability to Receive, to become freer. Aschima can feel where your presence have left the body ( this is often why suffering and disease is still there ). She gives Healing through giving presence and consciously opening up new awareness with you. -
"I feel every ones system within my body, that gives me the information and knowing where you are and where your consciousness, that connects you to wholeness, needs extra attention. I hear you speaking to me on a conscious level” Aschima
Awakened Guidance
- Get deeper into awareness and become aware of such that prevents you to live your wholeness.
Expand the internal Presence: Reconnect to your own inner healer. The deeper you are in presence, the more aliveness in you. And natural Tantra emerge.
SESSION: Serving you as a link to your own consciousness. Aschima receives information on what you can do for yourself to leave experiences that are negative, to get in contact with your true state again. awakening to truth
She gives healing tools on how you can nourish your being on all levels.
She inspires you to have what you are here to have and enjoy – Living your greatest good on all levels.
- From a consultation, you can expect to come deeper into your natural being. Be enlightened about you life ”puzzle”, get new pieces, seing what tries to control you, or has blocked you and how you can release that and let go. Get empathy and healing. Expand consciousness. Get true contact and information with what is here to serve you positively on every level.
Get Inspiration for living your purpose A consultation will also help you get in contact with your unique vibration and get positive indications of your Soulpurpose: This are Your natural talents and inner knowing ( when you leave collective consciousnesss ) and how you can integrate them.
The support is to integrate both the inner true staete of peace and create for your innate wisdom coming out together.
"Nothing was ever lost"/Aschima
Aschimas Healing and Readings are Supported and Recommended by ( among others ) Spiritual Teacher, Colette Baron Reid U.S.A 2011.
WORDS by a Client:
"Aschima has given me many great tools, some that I use daily. When I have asked for help and answers, I´ve received them clear. With her wonderful way, Aschima conveyed in a humble frank manner. Her channel feels very clean and clear and I really recommend her. ” Jenny
After a Session:
After a session there is a time of Integration: Always Drink a lot of clear Water, and Tea. Rest and take long walks. Don´t try, just be. Let the integration happen. Silence and listening to healing music. Eat healthy food, chicken ( if you are not a vegetarian ), good rice and vegatables. Bananas and other fruit. If not ecologic-peel it.
( No good food is Wheat and White Suger. ).
When you host both the presence, natural awakened self the person is freer and the illusion of being guided by the mind gets looser. Let go of what has kept you from living a life that is full.
"Consciousness is who you are. Everything that is not free/alive has separated itself from your natural vibration" /Aschima
Send Aschima an E-mail with a number of question that you want to see more about in your Life and on your path.
For the reading please send clear questions, your full name and Date of Birth. If the question concern a partner/familymember, send their date of birth and full name.
Gladly send an image of your face too.
The Reading will be returned in a word document per Email, within 2 days ( after Aschima confirmed that she received your questions and Payment )
Price /question:
1 question 55euro
2 questions 65 euro
Continue .... Up to 5 Questions 95 euro.
Words by Happy Client"
"Being present in such beautiful energies and the presence in the meeting with Aschima... Such a perfect experience to open up and stay in the true essence.
Her amazing ability to give individual guidance in each one's life process, is a crystal clear channel that raise awareness, opens up and transforms.
Aschimas bright, lively presence create an environment in balance, that is so incredible for the soul, a true place to truly blossom in, just being open and deepening... I would like to direct my warmest thanks to Aschima, who gives light to my process during the awakening.
With light and love,
Nathalie" 2017

Integrated Yoga Sessions :
Feminine Yoga - Divine connection with Earth Through Body and soul
When you book a session: ReikiHealing and Awake guidance
Receive Aschima´s feminine Yoga practice for your presence to enhance in the body with your breathing. That you can do everyday 10 minutes practice.
Aschima works with your unique being to open up to life energies and empowering the body and free the mind from disharmony.
You do not need to know Yoga or have a Yoga mat.
Aschima will lend you one.
Thank you letter, after Awakened guidance session:
"I Want to thank you sincerely for the amazing session! I Felt so happy and free afterward, that I got "off the ground". A deeper trust in, that what I want is really possible and meant to happen this lifetime. It has been so much easier for me to feel where I am headed and at the same time be happy with where I am now.
I Feel in better balance in total and I have a deeper trust in myself. The session with you also strengthened my spiritual understanding. I feel deeply loved.
I am extremely grateful that I met you Aschima
In gratitude" Jane7: 2014
"Thank you Aschima for the Reiki healing, -For your peace, harmony, joy, laughter and love that you have in you, and that rubs off on me.
Aschima has performed Reiki healing through her peaceful way and given me the tools to find my strength to be able to change my energies into more positive - joy - laughter in my life!
I have received less internal stress, more focus, more joy, more positive energy, more presence in what I do, and want to do with my life, etc.
Thank you for helping me how I get my inner peace to more focus in my energy and presence. It is absolutely wonderful and amazing to find new ways of life energy. A new world has opened up both inside and outside of me. As I yearned, Been on the road, but not quite found there.
My love, joy, power and strength that remains in me, at last will and can bloom.
The only thing I / we need on this earth is love, joy and gratitude to all !!
For anyone needing help - Meet this wonderful female-soul, You too <3
Pia 2015"
Open Your Voice/Tantric Body and Voice healing
Come in contact with your natural voice as an instrument and Self healing. Free contractions in the body with me and open your chakras and Soul through sound.
”Sacred earth Healing”
GroupHealing with Meditation and Singing:
Order in groups. At least 8-10 participants. I can come to your home or city
Healing Concert and mantra singing. Aschima.
Receive a concert in your city: Mail: contact@aschima.com
Prices in Groupwork varies.
Aschimas sessions works with your intentions: Explanation:
INTENTION: Is a knowing of what you want to experience. An intention serve as it puts only that in direction towards an empowering goal."
Feng Shuie Work
Feelings of negative energy in your house or in a store, local or any space.
Aschima bring Guides and Drum and Healing bowls, different smokes. A housclearing takes approcimately 1,5 hours. You are welcome to be a part of it and watch to know and receive healing.
"Distance service: We are connected by oneness, so the Service through Skype is available and healing spaces where ever you are! I will guide you on the internet to do the housclearing together with me/ Achima"
Sacred Wedding Blessing. Evening events. Satsang Talks.
Spiritual Blessings on your Sacred Wedding
Connecting to your sacred heart and divine beingness. Speaking to your high soul and the spiritual connection and the wedding on spirit level. Giving a sacred blessing and/ or singing your favorite song or mantra.
Satsang event: 2 hours sitting from awakening. deepening in understanding. Freeing the limitations created by beliefs. Letting the nervous system relax and integrate. Laghing or Crying and receive healing.
Contact: email: contact@aschima.com
Payment: Contract.
Blessings Aschima
Aschima´s Service also Includes;
To Stay in Wholeness: Protection: Guidance on How to stay nourished and in Prahna all the time
Clear Negativity: Guidance on Clearing negativ enrgies: Energy thiefs and more.
Sleep Good: Guidance on how to emprove your surrounding and affect your natural sleeping rythm.
Getting over FEAR: Receive a technique and guidance on getting out of fear, turning it into gifts: Empowering your Purpose!
Booked session canceled within 24 hours before allocated time, is charged with full cost.
At canceled Satsang, Event ( mantrasinging, soundhealing , ) Reiki course, Houseclearing/Blessing, be withdrawn at half the cost of cancellation less than a 1 week before allocated time. Cancellations made within 24 hours before allocated time is charged full cost.
"The payment Aschima receive for a session is for the time and energy she gives to the client. Every reading is an invitation – to create a new direction. To expand awareness. Your free will an dedication is what will determine the embodiment afterwards. By ordering a session you release Aschima Segercrantz from responsibility.* )
Awakened senses: Aschima
A Clair Sentient: Aschima sense everything that happens in your system within her own space. See more about the open senses of Aschima below
means 'clear hearing'. It is the ability to hear through Psychic senses. Someone with this gift hears sounds, words, voices, and/or ideas through the hearing centre of the brain. There are two forms of clairaudience. The first form is hearing thoughts within ourselves, which sounds the same as when we talk to ourselves. They use their 'inner ear' to hear, just as someone with clairvoyance would use their 'inner eye' to see. The second form is hearing the voices spoken out loud. It is the actual perception of sounds, voices, etc that are not heard by others and not done by ordinary hearing. This type is more accurate, as it does not require interpretation.
means 'clear seeing'. It is the ability to visually see through Psychic senses. Someone with this gift sees images, shapes, colors, still pictures, moving pictures, etc that are not seen by others nor seen by ordinary eyesight. These images may be seen with the eyes open or closed. This intuitive ability comes straight from the sixth chakra. Clairvoyants may also perceive types of energy not perceptible by others or by normal means. It has terms associated with it such as 'the third eye' 'sixth sense' and 'inner eye'. Clairvoyance is one of the most accurate intuitive abilities.
means "clear feeling" and relates to the sense of touch. It is the ability to perceive energy fields through physical sensations using Psychic senses. This includes auras, vibrations, and the presence of entities. When you get a "gut feeling" about something, you are using your clairsentience. What you're doing is using your second chakra, the spleen center, to sense things on an emotional level. clairsentience can pick up what other people are feeling. Clairsentience often works with another ability called precognition. Precognition is the ability to know what is going to happen in advance.