Awakened Holistic Healing - Awakened Teachings - Spiritual Readings -Enlightened presence - Reiki -Satsang -Meditative Singing -Music
Aschima works with truth from Silent awareness and then transforms the human/soul experience with higher consciousness, wisdom and sacred sound.
- For a life of Full Presence, - Returning to Wholeness - Live as your Authentic Self, in The Now
- Receive truth, instead of fear or a negative, stuck emotion/thought and illusion.
- Receive sensitive, aware healing
- Aschima is a strong Intuitive healer, Awakened teacher, Reiki Master and with her Awakened senses and deep love for embodied truth, has helped many people, find a new path in life, peaceful living, finding their natural talents and living purposely.
- The sessions are in Swedish or English -
SKYPE Sessions Worldwide. Sessions in Person is available in Stockholm. Book:
Healing Through Music:
"Aschima´s beautiful voice touch and awaken the heart and heal grief " Listener 2015
The CD "Sacred Healing Songs" has led many to open to experience their true essence and contact with natural beingness, relaxing into the present state, experience more prahna
Buy the CD through mail: and at Vattumannens Bokhandel in Sthlm, Regnbågens Böcker o Smycken GTB
Contact Aschima:
Boka session via mail/Book session through email:
30-60 Min Awake Guidance on Skype/phone and Reiki Distance Healing and Attunement 30-75 min ( receive Reiki in your Home )
Soul Readings 15-60 min ( Skype/Phone )
You can book Aschima as a Mantra singer and Yoga Teacher and Reiki Healer Teacher : to
Boka session via mail/Book session through email:
30-60 Min Awake Guidance on Skype/phone and Reiki Distance Healing and Attunement 30-75 min ( receive Reiki in your Home )
Soul Readings 15-60 min ( Skype/Phone )
You can book Aschima as a Mantra singer and Yoga Teacher and Reiki Healer Teacher : to

Skype and Phone sessions outside Stockholm Available - Any Country!
- Aschima have clients in India, Bali, Europe, USA, Balticum and the nordic countries!
The distance does not matter!
" I receive healing of Aschima every one or two weeks. Which makes me happy over the weeks.
I don't fall down into dips, that I see others do. I feel healthy. I do not need to drink alcohol, I feel aliveness inside and I free myself from inner judgment and open to my freedom more and more.
It is amazing your healing and your strength Aschima. Thanks!" Deva Annica 2019
Book to
Reiki attunment and Reiki Healing
Reiki Healing is a way of Life- The healing is so beautiful and gives a new energy to the receiver. A reiki attunment gives you access to reiki so that it starts to help you transform any lost connection to experiences of trusting your wholeness and living fully. A healing session gives you a deeper energy. Aschimas awake deep and grounded presence, in combination with Reiki, is a blissful experience that give you a new space to be in afterwards.
Breathing and the Self/Spirit in the body: When we breathe there is a natural relaxation into that space you where given at birth, but society brings need and negative responsibilities and believes that you are not meant to BE. When a relaxed state enters and the breathing becomes normal, disease cannot stay because our space is filled by breathe and presence. Spirit and Breath is a lost connection today."
"En Reiki initering av Aschima var en vacker upplevelse där jag starkt upplevde healing på alla nivåer, ökat beskydd och det öppnade så mycket flöde i mig. Det var som att jag kom djupare in i mig själv. Där det finns Ljus, kärlek, Tystnad och Harmoni. Jag kan varmt och starkt rekommendera det.
Tacksamhet & Kärlek, Rima" 2016
( use google tool for translation )
- Aschima´s Session, Meetings and Music is there for you, who wants to experience the reality of not being separated from natural living Source. To come deeper inside, experience inner peace and bliss of being. Living Meditation, which is one with living from presence. Peace and stillness in the mind. Heart opening. Coming into your creative power, unique gifts. Trusting your own Being. Starting your practice.
Private sessions - Journey of Enlightenment and living your Soulpassion.
"Meditation is not seperated from life. "It got lost", by resisting what is already here. Eternal presence is inside, when you receive the moment." Aschima
Many of Aschima´s clients comes regulary, when life takes a turn, to receive guidance or healing to get a new direction and come in balance again.
Aschima´s healing and spiritual guidance is recommended and celebrated by Colette Baron Reid ( Intuitive. Coach. Author. Hay house host, USA 2011 )
Since Aschima is awakened there is no difference in seing Aschima in Person or receive guidance through skype- Aschima have clients in for ex. in USA, India, Bali and all over Europe
Words by grateful client ( SKYPE guidance )
Through your guidance and strength you have brought my love back again and helped me gaining strength and power ! I have never felted so enlighten and joyful ! Now you have made me believe in my own power and strength. I feel love in my heart ! Thankful for who I am and what is around me !
I have no words to describe how amazing and powerful you are !
You have the biggest heart and strongest love which makes people shine and love themselves for who they are !
I'm thankful to you from all my heart !
Thank you so much for you guidance and help !"
Catalin, USA june 2018
"Being present in such beautiful energies and the presence in the meeting with Aschima... Such a perfect experience to open up and stay in the true essence.
Her amazing ability to give individual guidance in each one's life process, is a crystal clear channel that raise awareness, opens up and transforms.
Aschimas bright, lively presence create an environment in balance, that is so incredible for the soul, a true place to truly blossom in, just being open and deepening... I would like to direct my warmest thanks to Aschima, who gives light to my process during the awakening.
With light and love,
Nathalie" 2017
- Service for "Wholeness in Living Experience" -
Spiritual being. Awakening. Embodiment of presence - light.
- Private Consultations for Awakening and integration.
And Empowering Conversation with Aschima
- Satsang: a meeting to Awaken and deepening in Being
-Awakened Healing: Deep Reiki Healing sessions in Awakened Presence.
Private healing and Course: Become a Reiki healer
- Tools for Conscious Evolution.
- Enhance Spiritual Understanding
HEALING MUSIC: Tantric Sound and Meditative Voice. - Concerts/Events with Aschimas Healing voice and music.. Vocal Sessions and Groupsinging:
Bokning av Solo sång av Aschima och Soundhealing.
- Service for "Wholeness in Living Experience" -
Spiritual being. Awakening. Embodiment of presence - light.
- Private Consultations for Awakening and integration.
And Empowering Conversation with Aschima
- Satsang: a meeting to Awaken and deepening in Being
-Awakened Healing: Deep Reiki Healing sessions in Awakened Presence.
Private healing and Course: Become a Reiki healer
- Tools for Conscious Evolution.
- Enhance Spiritual Understanding
HEALING MUSIC: Tantric Sound and Meditative Voice. - Concerts/Events with Aschimas Healing voice and music.. Vocal Sessions and Groupsinging:
Bokning av Solo sång av Aschima och Soundhealing.
Private Session: Awakened Consultation
Aschima presents a mirror of your inner beauty that is your natural essence and sees what has kept you from being all peace, living authentic, receiving your fullness. It is an invitation to relax in presence and come deeper home and to investegate from peace.
- Get in contact with your unique gifts.
Aschima can guide you to begin your own practice on a conscious level and/or begin new adventures.
An AWAKENED CONSULTATION takes place in person or on Skype/phone. All readings is from deep space, presence in theNow:
Words from earthsister:
"Aschima, thanks for being there and helping me in all of life's questions, and guided me through them. Guided me to a bright road and handle so much. Both jobs, moving, love, friends, myself etc. Aschima is so cute, loving, joyful / funny, honest and genuine. Thanks for all your support and that you have guided me towards a brighter path in life with increased abundance!
Love you, Rima"
Oct, 2016
Awakened Teachings for Healing
- Our true nature is whole, it is presence and consciousness as One. The body, emotion and the person, unique being, when living from the state that is not real is creating disease through believing in seperation, that is fear.
Aschimas great knowledge of living from the truth of one, also together with the beautiful healing tool called Reiki, can give healing to disorders created from illusion.
Healing by sessions with Aschima:
- Whiplash injury( 6% documented decresed physical movement ) Total recovery
- Broken Hip, causing limping and pain - ( no remedy in hospital or with medicin after 7 month ) Total recovery
- Astigmatism an nearsightedness ( perfect eyesigth after wearing glasses for over 20 years, headaches without )
- Headaches and migrain ( Clients total freedom from headache. Headache comes often from no presence in the first chakra. )
- Stresssymptoms
- Insomnia "sleeping disorder" ( reiki is a great tool )
"Hypothyroidism" low activity of the thyroid gland, Free from symptoms and any medications ( 15 years ) Total Recovery
- comment Aschima "Doctors say it is impoosible to heal- they don´t understand life and what happens when we do not live in the full stream of aliveness )"
First stadium of breast cancer
Regain of normal menstrual cycle ( after no menstrual period for over a year )

Mantra musician, healing sound a voice
Chanting the ancient Moola Mantra is a devotional act and of great benefit to Truth and Enlightenment. This mantra contains enormous potential power; it has the ability to expand your awareness and raise your level of consciousness, thus benefiting all of mankind. Chant this mantra with meaning and joy. Allow the wellspring of love that arises within you to flow out into the world.
This mantra will fill you with love, peace, and joy. Aschima´ MOOLA MANTRA - TANTRIC Version to Relax into your inner being, relax the body and let the flow of your inner being take over!
"I'm listening right now to your CD, Rain sprinkles and the wind howling outside the window. Your voice makes my inner, overflow. Thanks! Yvonne"
ITUNES Download:
"Aschima´s Devotion and Vision, is for everyone to have an experience and find back to themselves - to know the Self - and their true essence of inner peace being. Living authentic - being awake, listening, instead of being a a part of the "group consciousness, created by fear, trying to controle, that becomes a "slave and restless mind".
- In "the Now" and in Presence you don´t need being seen or confirmed - You ARE already- Unconditional Love. You experience Wholeness (Healing). There is no war or no seperation - Union in ONE.
Being in Satsang or Group Healing with Sacred singing and listening to The healing Music, is a unique, safe place to find your core, dare to be sensitive and playful. Being naked in your vulnerability and find natural joy, that is in the present moment and that is always to be found when you dare let go.
- That´s how you gain back true power and innate wisdom. You find your sensibility and closeness to who you are. This creates a New Earth, where we respect each other's originality and inner beauty. Outside of competitions, and power manipulation or coercion.
Welcome in Peace. Namasté/Aschima"
**There are symptoms when you go through awakening, that can get the living experience less satisfied, like sleeping less, feeling drained, confused etc.
The sessions Aschima offers, gives knowledge on how to be in harmony and balance, how to meet your inner world and relate in a harmonious way, leaving you with integration of consciousness and leave old patterns of unconsciousness , disconnection( seperating you from You ) enjoying all of the experience that is here!
SATSANG: Meeting as awakened consciousness.
SATSANG - Meeting in Awakened Presence
Warmly Welcome to experience inner silence, recognize truth, Natural Awakening. and deepening your true nature.
Opening of the heart, in a Safe space. Rest in Silence and Presence.
Inquires in satsang: Awake Guidance” is an exploration outside of identification, from the intrinsic pleasure and your true nature, free from illusion/stress.
PEACE IN MUSIC: Experiences of Natural Awakening and Bliss
CONCERTS with Aschima: "Healing Songs with Messages from Source".
Words after Concert:
"I was on Aschimas concert in Rättvik, and to experience the sounds of her music and singing was for me an enormous joy. I found a balance between being elavated by the tones and feel my true nature in total peace., I also felt a sense of calm and a grounding . Aschima´s tones carry me to what is true, what is me and the feeling that everything is integrated. So grateful for the experience of musical love!
Namaste " Sandra 2014
Healing musician:
"Aschima creates natural sounds through her voice and instruments. Clearing your Chakras with the singing. Coming to peace. You can take private singing lessons that are healing, opening up the body and Soul ancient wisdom and get in contact with your natural "singing" voice again, professional or beginner." Welcome OM /Aschima
Reiki Healing
Reiki Healing with Healing Presence:
**Reiki puts a Spiritual/vibration of Universal truth and Ki-Lifeforce-to recreate and balance disease and discomfort in all bodies/ mental, emotional, physical, spiritual.**
Reiki energies Recreate and let in new life and light in the system. Reiki is a intellegent energy and it knows where to move, to create wholeness and balance in the entire Being.
Aschima works with Reiki, together with Presence so that the healing works even deeper.
Service: Private Healing sessions. Distance Healing Session. Reiki Courses on Distance - Become a Reiki Healer: For selfhealing and Service. Enhance your intuition and own healing abilities. Deepening of consciousness. Experience embodiment and peace. Reiki initiations.
After searching for real healing and Truth, for many years, Total peace, stillness, arose in her on a trip to India in her 30s, which has affected her life. She has found healing and is living awakened to universal consciousness, in the present moment, in joy and harmony. Aschima creates music and songs, coming deep from this presence that she channels through the music and gives through her healing work. She also shares Satsang and provides private consultations for you to experience inner peace, to stand in your power and live your "Soul Song".
Press Pause to stop autoplaying mantra by Aschima below
The song playing on the PAGE is "Gayatri Mantra " From the CD Sacred Healing Songs
- Silence the music by pressing Pause button below
#music #energyhealing #soul #yoga # meditation
Said about Aschima sharing her Music ( live ) : "Aschima is so present in love, light and healing it can be! Aschimas healing and singing and voice is so amazing and got the body to remember again !! Thanks! Namaste !! 2017 Natalie
New Single on ITUNES download or Spotify listen free/
Rest in Presence by ASCHIMA

Feminine Yoga - Divine connection with Earth - through Body and Soul
When you book a session: ReikiHealing and/or Awake guidance
( also through Skype )
- Receive Aschima´s feminine Yoga practice for your presence to enhance in the body with your breathing - That you can do everyday for 10 minutes practice.
Aschima works with your unique being to open up to Life energies ( Prahna ) - to Empower and Ground the body and Free the mind from disharmony.
You do not need to know Yoga or have a Yoga mat.
NEW Session :
Aura cleansing with Reiki shielding:
Aura cleansing with Reiki shielding:
Aschima SINGING on your EVENT
Har du Event som Konstutställning/dylikt och vill hyra in Sång med mantra. Aschima går att boka: Hennes röst är enormt ljus och helande, med Djup och övertoner. Instrument : Monochord. Tanpura. Klangskålar. Swarmandel. Shaman trumma
Lyssna på Aschimas musik:
Spotify: Aschima
Soundcloud, Overtones:
Kostnad : Faktura enligt överenskommelse/ tim eller event kostnad. boka via mail:
Läs concert testimonial: "I Was on Aschimas concert in Rättvik, and to experience the sounds of her music and singing was for me an enormous joy. I found a balance between being elavated by the tones and feel my true nature in total peace., I also felt a sense of calm and a grounding . Aschima´s tones carry me to what is true, what is me and the feeling that everything is integrated. So grateful for the experience of musical love!
Namaste " Sandra
Aschima is recording a New CD -
You can Donate to make the recording sooner;
Donate any amount ( whatever you can and have your heart for )
Please write your Full Name, so she can give you "thank yousss" !
"I Love your CD. It is being Played here at home and on my Soul and Heart dance
Thank you!" Pia 2018
Listen to a song - on Spotify:
Om Namo Shivaya

Contact and Booking
book a session by sending mail to:
Receive beautiful Peaceful sounds from Aschima´s MUSIC:
Aschima´s official page - Facebook
"Lovely Loving Aschima. I am so happy and grateful that I met you and your energy. You have helped me so much, to find my inner home. To Sing and go on your Healing Satsang gives: Presence, Love and Inner Power. Courage, Inner Healing."
Namasté Pia 2016
Om Aschimas music CD Sacred Healing Songs
Aschima´s Mantra CDn: Sacred Healing Songs: Pris vinnare: Bästa New Age CD.
- med Aschimas Sakrala och Djupa röst och Helande instrument: Monochord, Swarmandel, Tanpura, Terapeutic Singing Bowls. Shamanic Drum.
Din Upplevelsen ökar via musiken och Aschimas röst, av inre frid, ditt ljus, och den sanna kontakten med Källan.
- Via Musiken får du Healing, förhöjanden och renande av chakran.
Populära Låtar på skivan:
Det 10 min långa, Sacred OM, skapar vågor ( medicinhealing ) som påverkar hjärnan att slappna av.
Fungerar vid "insomna" och att komma in i meditativt djupt avslappnat tillstånd.
Det Tantrtiska Moola Mantrat som väcker livsglädje och tantriskt kontakt med dina chakran.
Om Namo Shivaya ger hjärtat ljus att öppna sig och det kan komma upp helande tårar.
Läs Rimas Rek:
Jag älskar Aschimas musik, den är vacker och tar mig till ett djupt, fridfullt och gudomligt tillstånd <3 Jag lyssnar på musiken när jag är i duschen och det är väldigt vackert då och jag använder musiken under Reiki Healing, för djup avslappning och vackra energier. Rina Jan 2018
Köp orginal CD via 230 inkl frakt. Vattumannens bokhandel Drottng Sthlm
Satsang och OM sång
Aschima Delar Satsang, att vara i nuet och vila i varandet. Kom och vila i det uppvaknade flödet, sitt i djup närvaro. Aschima delar om att leva från inre frid och ger nycklar till din egen unika resa. Hur integrering sker i kroppen och dina chakran. Att leva ditt levande ljus.
Ställ frågor om din resa
- Sacred Om Sång - Öppna rösten från baschakrat och sjung djupa OM ljud, tillsammans med Aschimas Monochord.
Varmt Välkommen
Musik, mantra för uppvaknande och närande, släppa taget till källan. Röst och musik av Aschima spotify:artist:0LQrPdJPbfd1psCginF95h
Ladda ned på Itunes: Aschima "Sacred Healing Songs"
Plats: Vattumannens Bokhandel, Drottning 83 Sthlm
Inträde: 250 kr
"Satsang - When you awaken out of the identified self, you recognise and know truth of being one with the Self - eternal essence - The search after being seen from the outside ends, you drop into be ing - LOVE, you rest inside, you know total inner peace -

Awakened REIKI by Aschima
Reiki symbol Sacred Ohm and Star Light
Reiki symbol Sacred Ohm and Star Light
Aschima have been blessed with a new reiki symbol: Those who have received it so far have experienced a deeper beingness, relaxation, opening to new opportunities, and a higher aura protection, sleeping deeper, experience of deepening in being, oneness, silent space- Universal consiousness- easier to meditate.
If you want to initiate the new Enlightened Power Symbol or Sacred OM, you are warmly welcome. It is soft feminine energies that will create a new energy and the initiation is a blessing for your journey:
When taking the entire course of Star Light/ enlightened power symbol, you will also learn:
- Chakra balancing/clearing
- Enhance your emotions
- Learning to use the symbol for aura protection i.e.
INSPIRATION: Christmas Gift : --Creating from TRUTH comes from Gratitude not from Lack:
"What are you grateful for in your life: Pick 3 things that you are grateful for. Then: Feel the gratitude, that you are blessed with these "friends" "money" "family" "gifts" or something else.
Now - Put an intention forward, what you would like to invite into your life, that you have not with you yet... ONE thing ( not 100 ;-) )
Put the feelings from the gratitude you have for the 3 things already existing... On to the intention.
If you know Reiki - Draw 3 cho ku rei.
If you have a candle - Light one <3
And let go... "
LOVE to you
( All rights: )
sharing this forward please write that it comes from )
Blog of Aschima - Leaving the Mind -
Love Aschima
Svar på en fråga från en kär Andlig Syster och klient.
- Vill du beskriva hur du gick till väga när du tog tillbaka ( läkte ) din syn? Kram Louise
Mitt svar:
Angående synen och helande från helhet.
När jag var i Indien ( ca 10 år edan ) efter en lång tids sökande efter sanning, vaknade min själ till att uppleva att den är hemma. Det finns inget annat än hemma, inuti. Det var en så stark upplevelse att jag aldrig tvivlade på den mer.
I samhället lever vi ej än innifrån och ut, utan utifrån och in, mestadels, söker svar/healing utifrån, istället för att komma närmare den du alltid är och alltid har varit - Närvaro- LJUS! Efter Indien valde jag att stanna i den närvaron, jag trodde ej på stress, jag lämnade Ej detta tillstånd. Hade jag trott på det som är 99,9 procent av allt vi lever i samhället hade det ej fungerat.
- Jag använde glasögon sedan tonåren, när jag läste, körde bil och tittade på TV/film. Jag tog av mig glasögonen, först för att jag förstod att synen blivit dålig i tonåren för att jag lämnat närvaron/hemmet i mig, jag separerade mig från helhet. Synen var bra innan... Jag gjorde det för jag ville se om synen skulle bli hel om jag vilade i ögonen. Jag trodde heller ej på synfelen, då min upplevelse och förståelse är att vi är Hela.
Tillvägagångssättet: Jag läkte synen när jag tittade på film. Jag lät ögonen/ synen stanna inne i ögat istället för att rikta den mot bilden på TVn ( att lämna ögat för att se är dualistiskt, att stanna inuti är Enhet/Oneness ). I början var texten till filmen och bilden suddig, jag fortsatte och litade på att ögonen skulle vila bara. Jag lyssnade på ljudet istället för att läsa texten och tillåta "det som separerade mig från felsyn. Tre veckor ca så var synen helt återställd. Jag tillåter fortfarande ej något utanför göra mig ansträngd. Synen är perfekt idag. Det är så fantastiskt. Aschima
Det finns mer om min resa på hemsidan, här är länk dit:
Words from listener of the CDn Sacred Healing Songs:
Your singing, your voice reaches me deeply.
I feel joy and love.
Thanks!" Sabine Oct 2016
Words from Jan, for Awake guidance:
"Aschimas guidance lift me to my natural highest self, and clarifies and clears what is in the way. A boost on the road!"
Jan Lundberg / Leadership consultant / Author / Psychosynthesis therapist, Dec 2016
Recommendation Chakra for healing session:
"The Chakra balancing is really magical,
It purifies and heals so much and my chakras comes in more balance. It feels like I get healad inside myself (chakras). I feel more grounded, increased creative flow, increased in medial channel, and a loving, gentle, calm and creative energy in me after this deep healing. Thanks, I love it."
Rima Oct, 2016
Retreat Oktober 13-16 på Skeppsuddens Kursgård
Silent, deep space- Welcome, Aschima
New Book
Being written by Aschima, to transmit energies of inner peace and eternal joy.

Universal Sound of OM
OM penetrates everything. It is the sound of the eternal presence that exists before, during and after all creation is born.When we sing OM it purify and connects you to your essence, leaving the breath more open- HEALING you and Mother earth, with joy and no effort.
Download and Sing OM with me: Itunes:
LOVE Aschima
Aschima´s: FEATURED MUSIC: CD - Sacred Healing Songs 10 Tracks "SOUND OF SOURCE" Meditative, Awakening and Healing Presence. Deepening of consciousness. Silent tantra. Mirror the beauty back to Your Soul.
"I love your CD. I Listen to it every day. It gives me Magical experiences, Thanks!" /Annelie 2016
"Tack fina underbara Aschima. Din sång går rakt in i Hjärta, Själ och Berör Med Värme och Kärlek, Renar och Ger Energi och Glädje
Aniarishia 2016
"Your Readings are "Spot On"!"
Thank you for the guidance!
Jennie L. 2015
"Det är så ljuvligt att få vara i den mjuka, känsliga närvaron som Aschima ger under sina sessioner. Och efteråt känner jag mig alltid närmare stillheten, glädjen… närmare mig själv. Tack <3 ", Susanne L 2015
I Feel gratitude, joy and love to have met Aschima. She has helped me to come closer to my true Self and to realize that I am valuable. She has helped me on many different levels! Life has become much easier and I have a smile in the stomach” Lots of love /Tarah 2014
"I so recommend this one most loving woman! And I mean really huge loving. Line 2012"
"Bästa Aschima - Du är underbar och jag älskar din CD! Den går på repeat här hemma". Catarina R 2015
"What Heavenly Music you create!"
Anne 2015
"I love, love, love your music. Thank you Aschima! It is a new sound and the Moola Mantra is phenomenal!" Sarah 2015
"Thank you for helping me finding my own depth and presence" Namasté
Dan 2015 ( Awakened

Vaken Vägledning Sessioner med ASCHIMA:
Vaken Vägledning för dig som är under uppvaknande, som vill hitta din närvaro och leva därifrån, i nuet. Aschima guidar dig tillbaka till närvaron, känner av vad du kan förändra, vad som blockerar och lyfter upp det som är unikt i dig. Känner in näring du kan tillföra. Hjälper med t.ex sömnbesvär och oklarheter i ditt liv/relationer och vad du har för intention med ditt liv.
- Aschima är Vaken Vägledare. Reiki lärare. Healer och Andlig Musiker.
Free Meditation. Relax and deep Breathing from presence:
Mantra Songs and Healing Sounds for relaxation into the source of Now. Peaceful Awakening
”This Years, Soul Aid Spirit Award Winner: CD -
Sacred Healing Songs:
The Music Aschima create, comes from the inner source of healing, that exists within every living essence. It creates a reflective mirror to the listener for him/her to experience his divinity/leaving duality and inner healing starts. It is penetrated with meditative silence and joy that comes from the freedom of being and tantra to connect with the Living Dance. It is deeply connected to Earth. Leaving your Full Being with a relaxed smile.
Word from A Clients Heart:
"Thank you Aschima for the Reiki healing, -For your peace, harmony, joy, laughter and love that you have in you, and that rubs off on me.
Aschima has performed Reiki healing through her peaceful way and given me the tools to find my strength to be able to change my energies into more positive - joy - laughter in my life!
I have received less internal stress, more focus, more joy, more positive energy, more presence in what I do, and want to do with my life, etc.
Thank you for helping me how I get my inner peace to more focus in my energy and presence. It is absolutely wonderful and amazing to find new ways of life energy. A new world has opened up both inside and outside of me. As I yearned, Been on the road, but not quite found there.
My love, joy, power and strength that remains in me, at last will and can bloom!
The only thing I / we need on this earth is love, joy and gratitude to all !!
For anyone needing help - Meet this wonderful female-soul, You too <3
Pia 2015
Love Aschima
Svar på en fråga från en kär Andlig Syster och klient.
- Vill du beskriva hur du gick till väga när du tog tillbaka ( läkte ) din syn? Kram Louise
Mitt svar:
Angående synen och helande från helhet.
När jag var i Indien ( ca 10 år edan ) efter en lång tids sökande efter sanning, vaknade min själ till att uppleva att den är hemma. Det finns inget annat än hemma, inuti. Det var en så stark upplevelse att jag aldrig tvivlade på den mer.
I samhället lever vi ej än innifrån och ut, utan utifrån och in, mestadels, söker svar/healing utifrån, istället för att komma närmare den du alltid är och alltid har varit - Närvaro- LJUS! Efter Indien valde jag att stanna i den närvaron, jag trodde ej på stress, jag lämnade Ej detta tillstånd. Hade jag trott på det som är 99,9 procent av allt vi lever i samhället hade det ej fungerat.
- Jag använde glasögon sedan tonåren, när jag läste, körde bil och tittade på TV/film. Jag tog av mig glasögonen, först för att jag förstod att synen blivit dålig i tonåren för att jag lämnat närvaron/hemmet i mig, jag separerade mig från helhet. Synen var bra innan... Jag gjorde det för jag ville se om synen skulle bli hel om jag vilade i ögonen. Jag trodde heller ej på synfelen, då min upplevelse och förståelse är att vi är Hela.
Tillvägagångssättet: Jag läkte synen när jag tittade på film. Jag lät ögonen/ synen stanna inne i ögat istället för att rikta den mot bilden på TVn ( att lämna ögat för att se är dualistiskt, att stanna inuti är Enhet/Oneness ). I början var texten till filmen och bilden suddig, jag fortsatte och litade på att ögonen skulle vila bara. Jag lyssnade på ljudet istället för att läsa texten och tillåta "det som separerade mig från felsyn. Tre veckor ca så var synen helt återställd. Jag tillåter fortfarande ej något utanför göra mig ansträngd. Synen är perfekt idag. Det är så fantastiskt. Aschima
Det finns mer om min resa på hemsidan, här är länk dit:
Awakening - Freedom from being trapped in a seperate sense of self. Free from mind illusion. Living awakened is vast and always drinking the life that is here. Knowing Silence comes first, then a something can enter. It is knowing that life is eternity and that a negative reaction is a memory from the past.
Living Wholeness and Peace: In the present moment you already are. You are peace. The mind is still. There is No past nor future projections. From there, life is to be invited, that is free from separation, fear. It is freedom. Knowing home. That is creating a new earth..
Leaving the Unreal, Awakening and Integration: Symptoms of Contractions. How to Release:
Vision an Intention for True Service
"Aschima´s Devotion and Vision is for everyone to have an experience and find back to themselves - know the Self - and their true essence of inner peace being. Living authentic - being awake, listening, instead of being a a part of the "group consciousness, created of fear, trying to controle us, that becomes a "slave and restless mind".
- In "the Now" and in Presence you don´t need being seen or confirmed, You ARE- "Unconditional Love". You experience Wholeness (Healing). There is no war or no seperation - Union.
- That´s how you gain back true power and innate wisdom. You find your sensibility and closeness to who you are.
- This creates a New Earth, where we respect each other's originality and inner beauty. Outside of competitions, and power manipulation or coercion.
Being in Satsang or Group Healing with sacred singing, is a unique, safe place to find your core, dare to be sensitive and playful. Being naked in your vulnerability and find natural joy, that is in the present moment and that is always to be found when you dare let go.
Aschimas work is recomended by internationally known - Colette Baron Reid - Intuitive counselor, USA 2011
Words after meeting at Silent Retreat 2014:
”I am thankful for the experience you have given me by seeing me fully for all that I am! To be acknowledged just the way you are is an empowering encouragement to accept myself. I have never felt so strong the clearness of my own being and the strength my own light brings in my veins. I wish to keep that honest presence and honor myself with love and acceptance at all times! You are a guide Aschima, a teacher and a playful soulmate who helps bring the truth sparkling above the surface. I´m not hiding anymore. I demand my space respected and my sacred being honored. And there is no need in me to suppress others, on the contrary, I feel encouraged to help others trust their own light. I finally walk along the road with my head up high and the sunlight reflecting in my shiny eyes. I wish to see, love and LIVE! I am thankful for having found guidance in you, truthful Aschima!
Earth School
We grow as consciousness and as unique beings. Everyone learns. Nothing is Fixed. we are creators.
The Earth is not Negative. She is Beauty and Natural Healing .
We are Growing inPEACE.
Not turning negativity towards anyone, is what brings direct Peace - no harm.
Silence exists in you, in nature everywhere. Silence is creating Laughter and meditative energies. You can live a life from this reality. Remember is a key when you start to doubt.
Enjoy naturality instead of reading about Truth. Silence, walking, being, puts you in contact with the space that helps you come back home. Otherwise you can get trapped in the search again and again, loosing touch with the natural state, that is AWAKENED!
Truth is No- Thing and Every- thing. You are That. Life is eternal.
TRUTH has to be experienced. It has no name or cannot be put in a calander. Great masters knows, but as soon as the knowing is spoken from identity it is LOST or it creates fear. It is an alive experience and is for the dream to be Awakened.
Past presence and future is in the NOW. Everything is in this space!
The Spiritual Man
Presence and Awakened consciousness integrated in the Mind/Emotional Bodies - Enlightenment: is always loving with no fear. Creativity and inner peace. Understanding. Ancient wisdom.
Divine Intellegence
Knowing who you are, giving space for this intellegence can get you out of fear or negativity in seconds, it is a creative force.
I Am
The " I am" is the silent presence in you, that is the knowing of existence, before, during and after. It is everlasting inside.
Human Friendliness
The beauty of being here as a human being, we have a natural power of friendliness and warmth, that can create bridges between anyone from war to peace. The heart can never be missused when it plays from peace. The heart is intellegent.